3. Features

GTTN-TPPS has many features that make data collection easier for administrators. Here are a few notable ones:

3.1. Data Types and Standards

  • Support for genotype and phenotype data and metadata
  • Support for ontology standards, including the Minimum Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE)
  • Support for standard genotyping file formats, such as .VCF
  • Automatically submits data according to the Tripal CHADO database schema

3.2. Data Accessibility

  • Data is standardized and stored in the local database so that other tools, for example, CartograTree, can easily collect and analyze it
  • Restricted access to users with the specific gttn user group.
  • The studies can be queried or downloaded (flatfiles) through the Tripal interface
  • Display both complete and incomplete submissions on ‘GTTN-TPPS Submissions’ user profile tab

3.3. User Friendliness

  • Map thumbnails for quick visual validation
  • Auto-complete appropriate fields based on information from the user profile
  • Load data from NCBI based on a provided BioProject accession number
  • Automatically parse file contents for submission to the CHADO schema
  • Save user progress on incomplete submissions
  • Form flexibility to ensure only the minimum necessary information is being required, but users may provide additional information if they choose

3.4. Administrative Features

  • Administrator panel to manually approve completed submissions
  • Configuration page to specify file upload locations, TPPS Admin email, etc.